"You look like a doll with your hair straight."Fortunately within the months I've been natural, I've learned to ignore him most of the time and give quick comebacks the rest of the time:
"Don't you like how it flows and moves when you walk?"
"Look how long it is!"
"When are you gonna get a perm again?"
"They make dolls with afros."Of course I like the look of straight hair, otherwise I'd never bother to straighten it in the first place. But the idea that I need straight hair makes me want to punch someone in the throat. And that's the exact feeling I had when an
"I like how my fro stays in it's place."
"Straightening it didn't make it longer."
So many questions, mainly "We who?" Cause my bf loves loves loves my coils and doesn't keep his hands out of my hair, unless it's straightened. Also, why the hell do you think your opinion matters to anyone? Why are you worried about how attractive other women are besides your baby momma/fiancee? How are you talking this mess but still trying to holla at me and Big Sexy (my fro)?!
Yeah, I got a little heated. My point is, have your preferences, because I certainly have mine. But to tell me what I need to do to be more attractive to you when you and your approval aren't even on my radar in the first place? MFer have a seat.